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Join with our online community in prayer for the repose of the souls of our fellow faithful. Your prayers will help lift these souls into Heaven.




First NameLast NameStateCountryDate of deathMemoriam message
Darell Carrier ZH Netherlands - 100% эффект. Сайты точно "упадут".
Ramonita Ramonita TH Germany Medico Postura™ helps improve your posture INSTANTLY. It is an easy-to-use device that you can wear at home, work, or even when you are sleeping.
Neville Hendrickson QLD Australia How did this happen?
Kira Kira GUADELOUPE France
Robert Schaefer WI USA 12/31/1969
Soon Soon NB Netherlands
Jean Korf NH United States 09/10/2022 for my deeply loved wife of 47 years
Felicity Buckland BW Germany Felicity
Dillon Dillon BURGENLAND Austria Is your dog's nails getting too long? If you're tired of going to the vet or groomer to get them trimmed, why not try PawSafer™?
Cyndi Albert McNally Colorado USA 05/31/2022

Helpful Links
Spirit Daily Popular Catholic news site.
Friends of the Suffering Souls Enroll in a Perpetual Novena of Masses.
Holy Souls Online Facts and resources about the holy souls in purgatory.
Institute on Religious Life Religious life and communities.
Listen to a Gregorian Chant performed by St. John Schola